Sberbank will replace the vice president during the investigation

However, according to the interlocutors of the agencies, later the examination revealed that the reports on the conducted scientific research were falsified. According to the interlocutor of RIA Novosti , the foundation illegally accepted the work performed by Shaninka and unreasonably paid the money. The interlocutor of “Interfax” clarified that work on two contracts turned out to be unfulfilled. If Rakova’s guilt is proven, she faces up to ten years in prison. actions. On September 30 RIA Novosti , citing an unnamed law enforcement source, reported that Rakova did not appear either for interrogation or for work and turned off the phones. According to the interlocutor of the agency, the investigation believes that she is hiding in the Moscow region and did not leave the borders of Russia.

In Shaninka, RBC was informed that the university, together with the police, is conducting a check on about these contracts and provides “all-round assistance” to the police.

RIA Novosti also reported the day before that those who worked from Rakova to the Ministry of Education, moved with her to the structures of Sberbank and searches were carried out at their homes and offices. There was no official confirmation of this information. , the correspondent of RBC reports.

“There is nothing special to comment on, since passes, a defendant, does not apply to the activities of Sberbank. Since she and two other employees are now unable to continue working, we will appoint these other colleagues as acting during the investigation, ”Khasis said.

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