Fassi and Workshops: Winning a title should not be the verb of everyday life

The club president referred to the dynamics that the team will have throughout 2022.

Sunday, January 16 of 2022hs

At the press conference presentation of Ángel Guillermo Hoyos as the new coach of the Talleres squad, Andrés Fassi dedicated a part of its concepts to define what the club’s sporting objectives will be for this season, in which it will face a demanding triple competition, with the Copa Libertadores Group Phase as the main challenge.

“The main It will go through seeking the protagonism that will allow searching, within the 28 teams that will be in the first division, to qualify in 2023 for an international cup. We don’t want to be left alone with the goal of being in the Libertadores this year. We want, in the sum of the two Professional League tournaments, to achieve this goal”, he said first.

Later, regarding the Argentine Cup, he stressed: “Try to advance as far as possible. can. Last year’s effort reached us to be finalists, neither more nor less. But we will see, it is a tournament in which everyone, even the B Nacional teams, have the illusion of reaching the final stretch. We will do our best to go far”.

And regarding the Libertadores, he stated: “The objective will be to pass the phase. The first two go on to play the round of 16 and the best third parties to the round of 16 of the South American. Hopefully we can make it. We have a coach with a lot of experience in this competition and we started the year with the illusion of winning a championship, as it was last season and in the end it was not enough”.


However, Fassi made a clarification: “But winning or title does not have to be the obsession or the verb of the day to day. The word of the day will be work and effort, which will lead us, as managers, the new coaching staff and the players to make the best decisions. At the end of 2022 we will see what all this effort among all achieves”.

Finally he pointed out: “What do we offer? A lot of work, the best decisions and bringing significant and important players. Workshops will return to the market and of the 8 or 9 players that will arrive, more than half will be bought. We are going to make a significant economic effort, because participation in the Libertadores deserves it, wanting to be the protagonist in the tournaments that we will play and the objective of continuing to be sustainable as an institution.”

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