The preview of Belgrano vs. Spanish Union for the international tournament in Montevideo

At 7:15 p.m., in Montevideo, the team led by Farré faces Unión Española de Chile at the start of the international home run. They televise Fox Sports Premium and Star+.

Sunday, January 16, 2022hs

The expectation and anxiety in Alberdi to see play again Belgrano will receive a dose today to calm those feelings because the team led by Guillermo Farré, who has not played since November 13, faces its first game of the year.

It will be at 7:15 p.m. in Uruguay, against Unión Española de Chile in the framework of the friendly international home run in which the Uruguayans Defensor Sporting and Danubio also participate. The meeting between Cordoba and Chile will open the mini tournament that will be played at the Alfredo Víctor Viera Stadium of Montevideo Wanderers.

The match will be broadcast on the APP Star+ and on Fox Sports Premium. At 9:30 p.m., in the second shift, Defensor and Danubio will be measured. The second and last date will be played on Tuesday: at 7:15 p.m. the losers of the first round will meet to define third place, while the winners will meet at 9:30 p.m. for first place.

For Farré it will be a good opportunity to see his team in action against a hierarchical rival, although the “B” will have several casualties (especially in defense), because yesterday Diego Novaretti, Iván Ramírez, Nahuel Tecilla, Alejandro Rébola, Wilfredo Olivera and Ibrahim Hésar for being positive for Covid 19 (asymptomatic and in good health), Santiago Longo and Hernán Bernardello (recovering from their respective operations) and Santiago Morales (with a sprained ankle). The sky-blue delegation flew to Buenos Aires early yesterday morning and in the afternoon crossed to the Uruguayan capital via ferry.


Even so, and beyond the forced absences, in these two meetings ( today’s and Tuesday’s for the title or for third place) the Pirata’s coach will be able to have a first impression of how his team is shaping up in the face of the extensive and demanding First National championship, which will begin on the weekend of February 13 and that for the celestial ones the crossing with Atlético de Rafaela in the Gigante is the first season. Among the new ones, Francisco Oliver, Gabriel Compagnucci and Joaquín Susvielles traveled.

A possible formation of Belgrano for today could be with Nahuel Losada; Juan Barinaga, Nicolás Meriano, Elías Calderón or Oliver and Axel Ochoa; Ulises Sánchez, Thiago Cravero, Gerónimo Tomassetti or Ariel Rojas and BrunoZapelli; Fabian Bordagaray and Pablo Vegetti. Farré’s idea was to give minutes to all those who traveled to Uruguay, so in a certain way these casualties for different causes will allow the DT to better fulfill that objective.

One of those who will surely have the chance to show up and debut with the light blue is the striker Joaquín Susvielles, who told Mundo D: “I’m a forward in the area, but I like to move around the front and participate a lot in the creation of the game. I feel fit to do it.” And he added: “I am very happy to arrive at this great club and we hope to fulfill the great goal of promotion”.

This presentation of Belgrano outside the country has a record that should make more than one in Alberdi: Outside of Argentina, Belgrano has been undefeated since 1977, when he drew 2-2 with Peru’s U22 team at the National Stadium in Lima. He then played seven more games, the last 0-0 against Peñarol in Montevideo on 01/31/2020 at the Estadio Campeón del Siglo del Carbonero.

Today, in Uruguay, the “B” will kick off a 2022 that he wants and needs to be his year. The year in which it returns to the First Division.

The schools of Belgrano and Unión Española de Chile

Belgrano. Juan Barinaga, Daniel Barrea, Fabián Bordagaray, Elías Calderón, Gabriel Compagnucci, Thiago Cravero, Facundo Heredia, Facundo Lencioni, Nahuel Losada, Francisco Maurino , Nicolás Meriano, Mariano Miño, Matías Moreno, Axel Ochoa, Francisco Oliver, Tobías Ostchega, Santiago Razzetto, Ariel Rojas, Ulises Sánchez, Juan Strumia, Joaquín Susvielles, Ignacio Tapia, Gerónimo Tomasetti, Pablo Vegetti and Bruno Zapelli.

Spanish Union. Miguel Pinto, Juan José Echave, Stefano Magnasco, Nicolás Mancilla, Manuel Fernández, Jonathan Villagra, Thomas Galdames, Luis Pavez Muñoz, Mario Larenas, Gonzalo Espinoza, Felipe Méndez, Luis Pavez Contreras, Bryan Rabello, Ignacio Jara, Mauro Maureira, Ignacio Ibáñez, Benjamin Galdames, Vicente Conelli, Lea ndro Garate, Bastián Yáñez and Gabriel Norambuena.

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