Luís Laranjo, former vice president of the CMVM, has died

The CMVM’s board of directors today noted, “with deep regret”, the death of Luís Laranjo, who was vice-president of the capital market regulatory body.

“Dr . Luís Laranjo held different positions on the Board of Directors of the CMVM between 1995 and 2005, first as a member, between 1995 and 2000, and then as vice-president, between 2000 and 2005”, says the note of condolence .

In 2005, Luís Laranjo also assumed the interim presidency of the CMVM, after the departure of Fernando Teixeira dos Santos as Minister of Finance of the Government of José Sócrates – replacing Luís Campos e Cunha.

“His contribution was characterized by high professional availability and commitment to defending the development of the capital market”, points out the note.

“To those professional characteristics he knew how to add, at all times, because intrinsically innate, the merit of frontality and frankness in the personal relationship with CMVM employees”, he underlines.

After the end of his term at the CMVM “and by virtue of the duties of responsibility exercised that kept him in contact with the CMVM”, says the note of regret, “continued to earn high esteem and consideration”.

The regulatory authority is also grateful for “his remarkable contribution to the development of the CMVM and the capital market in Portugal”.

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