Chip crisis: “How much will the Turkish automotive market be affected in 2022?”

Chip crisis that has negatively affected the automotive world for a long time Important evaluations and explanations have been received about its effects on Turkey.

The automotive industry has not been a very productive year for 2021. On the one hand, the global pandemic process, on the other hand, the factories whose production is interrupted and completely stopped. As a result of these, serious decreases occurred in both supply and demand. As if all this was not enough, we also faced a chip crisis. Although the chip crisis problem has been improving in the last 3 months, it has not been resolved yet. The entire industry continues to be concerned about the issue. Finally, up-to-date evaluations came from OYDER.


The President of Automotive Authorized Dealers Association (OYDER) Turgay Mersin, describing 2021 as a year marked by other events in each month. , “We have lived through two periods of six months, each as opposed to each other, as if black and white, night and day. When we looked at the January-February months of 2021, we predicted a market exceeding 1 million. However, when availability, raw materials, logistics, exchange rates and interest rates came into play in the second 6 months, the total market amounted to 737 thousand 350 units. The year 2021, which also included speculative price movements due to availability problems, tired our industry and damaged our capital structure.

Other problems occurred with the chip crisis

In addition Exchange rate volatility and interest rates were also among the factors affecting the year-end closing of the sector. Rapid exchange rate increases, high inflation and general economic problems, especially in the last 2 months of 2021, were other factors that marked 2021. There is uncertainty about when the chip crisis will be overcome. It’s too early to talk right now. But after March, I predict that the availability problem will be solved to a great extent. In addition, an uncertainty prevails in the exchange rates. In addition, interest rates must be settled somewhere. These three uncertainties will shape the year 2022,” he said.

However, I can say that we will not close it under 2021. If the problems in the sector can be resolved, there is a possibility that the market will rise above 2021. If costs continue to increase due to the rapid and up-and-down multidirectional and variable exchange rate movements in our country, it will be inevitable that there will be a contraction in demand, as these increases will be reflected in the price”



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