Union reports doubts about traffic light plans for animal husbandry

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Union has expressed serious doubts about plans by the SPD, FDP and Greens to convert animal husbandry. The traffic light coalition is rightly announcing that it wants to introduce mandatory animal husbandry labeling this year, according to a letter from parliamentary group leader Steffen Bilger and agricultural expert Albert Stegemann (both CDU) to the Union MPs. However, it remains to be seen how Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir (Greens) intends to convince the EU Commission of the compatibility of initially purely national binding labeling with European internal market law.

“Above all, we will closely monitor whether the money that consumers are supposed to pay at the till for more animal welfare actually ends up arriving on the farms,” ​​emphasize Bilger and Stegemann in the letter, which is available to the German Press Agency. There are no suitable instruments for this in the coalition agreement. The former minister Julia Klöckner (CDU) had failed with an attempt for an animal welfare label to be used voluntarily – she had repeatedly emphasized that this was only possible EU-wide.

Bilger and Stegemann insisted that that there should be no “menu according to the payslip” in Germany. “Especially in times of drastically rising living costs, it is important to have a social balance in food policy. Not everyone can afford organic products on a regular basis.” The debate about cheap prices flared up again at the turn of the year. Özdemir took up the issue and emphasized that there should be “no more junk prices” for food. Klöckner had also repeatedly called for more appreciation.

The SPD agricultural politician Susanne Mittag told the “Tagesspiegel” (Saturday): “Consumers are willing to pay a small surcharge in order to encourage greater efforts by farmers for fund more animal welfare.” Customers should be able to identify better husbandry conditions based on the mandatory animal welfare label. The four-stage seal should apply to pork, poultry and beef and not only include meat and milk, but also processed goods such as sausage and cheese.

The FDP politician Gero Hocker told the newspaper: “We have to inspire consumers to buy regional German food and thus support German farmers.” The Greens nutrition expert Renate Künast said that healthy, sustainable and delicious food must be affordable and become the standard in daycare centers, schools and hospitals.

The CDU agricultural politicians also attacked Özdemir’s positions, which wanted to be binding , “how much sugar in muesli, salt in bread or fat in sausages”. The Union trusts in the ability of responsible citizens to make decisions. “We don’t want to rule people into the fridge, we focus on nutritional education from early childhood.”/sam/DP/zb

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