Scandal between Florin Vasilică and his mother, for the legacy left by Liviu Vasilică

Florin Vasilică publicly dismissed his mother, insulting her and bringing charges against her. They are arguing over the legacy left by Liviu Vasilică.

In an interview, the popular music singer said what started the whole scandal, but also what his he wants it from the one who gave it life. mine, my house worked and bought by me. Well, I don’t have a key from my parents’ house, because she made sure I didn’t… Idiot, there’s no mother in the world like you! Jegoaso! ‘ , was the message posted by Florin Vasilică, a few days ago.

Florin claims that he has some traumas which no one can erase. He does not conceive the idea of ​​being asked for the key to his house, especially since he does not have the key to his parents’ house.

‘There are some things from the past that have left a very strong imprint on my soul. I tried to overcome them, but no one and nothing can erase those traumas. I am human, I have my feelings and outbursts, as everyone is entitled to. I felt hit when the key to my house was raised, I don’t have the key to my parents’ house. I have been renting for many years, we have struggled a lot ‘ , said Florin Vasilică.

The singer admitted, however, that he said everything about his mother in a moment of anger.

‘I don’t know how to tell them, I don’t know the cause (No problem with his mother). I had that post, which doesn’t belong to me at all, it’s about the person who took care of my artist page. But I take that post, throw the world in the mud. I have no reason to be sorry, I have no reason to apologize.

My mother knows what my feelings are for her. No, not at all (no feelings about his mother are the ones in the Facebook message). We don’t go that far. I’m a man like everyone else and you can have a moment of outburst, I didn’t have many acid reactions to that message. Everything is arranged ‘ , the artist added.

How the fortune is divided

‘Everything is divided into three (no his father’s fortune). I’m not hiding anything. Liviu Vasilică’s name belonged to my mother for 10 years, later she did not want to pay that tax. I made the proposal to give myself the mark, but now I earn my living on my name and work.

I never sold the music I promoted, I offered it to the public for free. As a result of my father, some modest sums are collected, and through my prism, as I still sing his songs, he earns a little more ‘, concluded the popular music performer .

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