Cate Blanchett to star in Almodóvar's first English-language film

The career of Pedro Almodóvar has known success thanks to his renowned films in his native language, but after the short film The Human Voice (2020 ), his first work in English, the Spanish director will continue to betting on the Anglo-Saxon public with Cate Blanchett as the protagonist of his next film A Manual for Cleaning Women.

The story is an adaptation of the collection of short stories by the American writer Lucia Berlin, which is based on 43 stories of women who make a living in different kinds of jobs that challenge them. Although the project is in the early stages of development, it will mean the first feature film in that language for Almodóvar. The first to sign on to be part of the cast was Blanchett. The winner of two Oscars for supporting actress in The Aviator (2004) and for best actress for Blue Jasmine ( 2013) will also be a producer through her company Dirty Films in association with El Deseo. She will be joined by Andrew Upton, Coco Francini and for New Republic Pictures the managers will be Brian Oliver, Bradley Fischer and Almodóvar himself, Variety reported. The Hollywood film industry has already awarded the Spaniard, who wrote the script for A Manual for Cleaning Women first in Spanish before translating it into English. His film Hablé con ella (2002) was awarded at the Oscars for best original screenplay, in addition to being nominated for best director at that year’s ceremony. Meanwhile, Cate Blanchett, released two films in the past few months. The first one, with the Mexican director Guillermo del Toro in Nightmare Alley , although he also worked under the command of Adam McKay in Don’t Look Up, one of the films that It started in style on the Netflix streaming platform. For 2002, the actress is awaiting the premiere of a new participation with Del Toro and Mark Gustafson in Pinocchio, in addition to TÁR, by Todd Field, and Borderland, by Eli Roth.
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