They reactivate the lake route from Miranda to Maracaibo

In the municipality of Miranda on the Eastern Coast of the Lake in the state of Zulia, the Bolivarian Transportation Service (Sabtra), reactivated the lake route from Los Puertos de Altagracia to Maracaibo, a joint effort with the town hall.

The lake route will have a single boat in a set schedule from 7:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon, from Los Puertos de Altagracia (Miranda) to the municipality Maracaibo from Monday to Saturday.

The cost of the ticket will be 5 bolívares for the general public and 3 bolívares for the elderly and children between 2 and 5 years old.

Users who wish to board this route must present the laminated identity card along with the vaccination card.

The boat has a new air conditioning system and televisions to guarantee well-being and enjoyment of this service.

Within the route, biosafety regulations must be maintained, such as the use of face masks and social distancing, thus avoiding the spread of covid-19.

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