The illness with which Xonia went to Survivor. He said why his face was so swollen

Xonia went to Survivor with ambition, hopes of winning, but also with serious health problems, about which she does not want to talk much. This is an autoimmune disease that could give you headaches in the jungle.

Xonia, the SURVIVOR. Photo: PRO TV

One of the competitors in the Celebrities team, from “Survivor Romania” , is Xonia (32 years old), whose real name is Loredana Sachelaru, who spent a long time with her parents in Australia, because she was born in Melbourne. He started a music career in Romania in 2010, participated in numerous TV shows, filmed and released videos. However, 3-4 years ago, Xonia was shocked by her appearances, her face was really swollen, but not because of the cosmetic interventions, but because of some health problems.

Why is Xonia from Survivor

It was not at all easy for Xonia to talk about the condition she has and has been struggling with for months. The artist was severely affected emotionally, especially since at first she could not find any remedy to return to the appearance she had before. She revealed at one point that it was an autoimmune disease

, for which he is already undergoing treatment. (No condition in which the immune system attacks the body incorrectly.)

” I still have health problems, but I keep this out of the eyes of the world because I don’t want to share negative things with my audience and my fans, and I don’t feel sorry for anyone. “I haven’t had a good time in the last few months. I’m better off now, under the watchful eye of the doctor. I tried a less harmful treatment, I tried to apply a lot of natural things, plus meditation, faith “, Xonia told


Unfortunately, this disease can evolve, it can get worse. “ I’m very scared of the operation. It’s serious, so I try to follow the doctor’s instructions “, the soloist added.

It seems that solutions exist and can be applied, and before leaving for the Dominican Republic, the soloist went to the doctor once more. “ Xonia will have problems in the jungle if she doesn’t take her medicine. A sting, a sting is enough Snake bite or whatever and her illness will start again. “), sources close to the star told us who hope that the soloist will not be harmed. “ There were cases where the competitors had hormonal disorders and this was seen on the small screens, s -they have gained weight and are full of pimples or pimples.Let’s hope that the girls this season will not have this “, said the same source.

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