Hygiene patterns of the rich of Jerusalem in the days of the First Temple

Intestinal worm eggs discovered in toilets from that period reveal that the upper class also suffered from infectious diseases due to poor hygiene conditions

אסלת אבן בת 2,700 שנה (צילום: יולי שוורץ, רשות העתיקות)
A 2,700-year-old stone toilet (Photo: Yuli Schwartz, Israel Antiquities Authority)

From kindergarten age we memorize how important it is to maintain hygiene to protect our health. Various disinfectants have occupied a place of honor in every bathroom and bathroom for many years. But what did they do thousands of years ago? It is not surprising to hear that the conditions of hygiene and sanitation were poor even in wealthy homes and led to morbidity. A new study by Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority has revealed the remains of eggs (dead) of intestinal worms about 2,700 years old under a stone toilet, in a magnificent private mansion. According to the researchers, the stone toilet was in the “comfort” room of the owners of the estate and the presence of the worms indicates that the wealthy residents of Jerusalem at that time also suffered from contagious diseases with symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea and may even cause nutrition and developmental delay in children. did not maintain hygiene and became infected with parasites

The study was conducted under the leadership Dr. Alkov

and at the Steinhardt Museum of Nature at Tel Aviv University. As part of the study, Dr. Langot collected soil samples under a stone toilet in the garden of a luxury mansion that was exposed on the Commissioner’s Palace promenade in Jerusalem, where the septic tank used to be. She then isolated the parasite eggs in a process of chemical extraction in the laboratory, and finally identified the eggs under the microscope eye. The remains of the eggs were identified as belonging to four different types of intestinal parasites: diarrhea, concussion, whipworm and pinworm, and were discovered as part of a rescue excavation by the Israel Antiquities Authority, which was recently held on the Commissioner’s Palace promenade in Jerusalem. The article was recently published in the International Journal of Paleopathology .

“The findings of this study are among the earliest observed so far in the Israeli space,” says Dr. Langot. -2700 years. Intestinal worms are parasites that cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and itching. Some are especially dangerous for children and can cause them to malnourish, developmentally delay, damage the nervous system and in extreme cases even death. “

Dr. Langot believes that the intestinal disease at that time was due to poor sanitation conditions, Which caused fecal contamination in food and drinking water, or a lack of awareness of hygiene such as failure to wash hands. Other options for infection were using human feces to fertilize field crops and eating improperly cooked beef or pork. In the absence of a cure, recovery from intestinal worms was difficult to impossible, and those who became infected could suffer from the parasites all their lives. Therefore, it is quite possible that the findings of the study indicate a disturbing and long-standing infectious disease (similar to lice and the pinworm in today’s kindergartens), which has affected the entire population. According to Dr. Langout, the same parasites still exist today, but in the modern Western world we have effective diagnostic options and remedies, so this is not an epidemic.

A fertile pad for the study of archaeo-parasitology

Yaakov Bilig, director of the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, explains that the royal estate Revealed dates to the middle of the 7th century BC (end of the Iron Age). According to him, the site found magnificent architectural items made of stone, decorated to a very high artistic level, such as decorated stone capitals (in the Proto-Aeolian style), in quantity and quality that had not yet been observed in the Israeli space during this period. Adjacent to the royal mansion was a magnificent garden that faced the sublime view of the City of David and the Temple Mount. Remains of fruit and ornamental trees were found in the garden, and a square limestone installation was discovered in it, with a hole in the center, which was identified as a toilet.

In its laboratory, called Archaeo-Parasitology. It refers to the identification of microscopic archaeological remains of intestinal worm eggs, which make it possible to learn about the history of diseases and epidemics. Dr. Langot and Bilig are not surprised by the unveiling of a luxury mansion garden: “The toilet facilities were very rare at the time and were a status symbol – a luxury facility that only the rich and high-ranking could afford, as has already been said by sages: ‘ Tannu Rabbanan: Which one is rich? Antiquities Authority: “The studies of the Antiquities Authority and our partners, manage to touch on the smallest details of everyday life in antiquity. Thanks to advanced equipment and fruitful collaboration with the corresponding research institutions, it is possible to produce fascinating information from materials that we previously did not have the tools to handle scientifically. Today, archaeological research is reaching impressive heights and a better understanding of past lifestyles, which seems to be only evolving. “

” Such studies help us document the history of diseases and epidemics in our area and enable us A window into the lives of people in ancient times, “concludes Dr. Langot. These days she is conducting further tests on the same sediments that have accumulated in the septic tank, in order to learn about the diet and herbs that were used in Jerusalem at the end of the Iron Age.

to the scientific article

More on the subject on the Knowledge website:

Neanderthal Man Cleaned His Teeth Researchers at Tel Aviv University: Middle Eastern Empires Crashed Due to Climatic Crisis Dramatic climate changes at the end of the ice age allowed the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to small farmers The Great Book of Parasites
How does a bacterium take over the intestinal cells? Now we know
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