Anna-Maria Ferchichi & Bushido: Baby countdown! When are the triplets coming?

The family of Anna-Maria Ferchichi (39) and Bushido (43) is growing! The news that the younger sister of Sarah Connor (41) is expecting triplets surprised everyone – including the parents-to-be! After many ups, downs and dramatic moments in which Bushido and his pregnant wife Anna-Maria had to worry about one of their triplets , it is now on the home straight. The pretty dark-haired woman revealed that with a new baby bump photo and moving lines on Instagram.

The anticipation for the offspring is growing! Anna-Maria Ferchichi is celebrating a baby shower with family and friends – including a Chanel cake! Click into the video above!

Anna-Maria Ferchichi will soon get to know her triplets

“30th week of pregnancy !!! I always set myself small goals: First the 24th week of pregnancy, then the 28th week of pregnancy and now I really hope I can do it it’s up to 34 “, writes Anna-Maria Ferchichi about a photo that shows her plump baby ball. Why are these weeks of pregnancy so important for the Bushido wife? Everyone who has ever carried a child under their hearts knows that. The 24th week is considered the “magic limit” during pregnancy. From then on, premature babies have a real chance of survival. And with every week that goes by, it continues to rise.

Will the babies of Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi be brought in October?

Especially for parents who Expecting multiple births is a gift every day the babies stay in the womb. Because hardly a pregnant woman makes it to the calculated due date. Bushido and his loved one also knew early on that this deadline, which is often so special for other parents, will probably have no meaning in their case.

In an interview with BUNTE Anna-Maria revealed a few weeks ago: “The calculated due date is December 16, the plan was to bring the babies in October. Well I’m afraid that they will stay in the womb until the 29th week, i.e. the beginning of the seventh month, then we would risk giving birth. ” This milestone has now been passed. And if everything goes according to plan, the Minis will see the light of day in a few weeks. Hopefully alive and well. But after that it seems to look like the complications and tears of the past few weeks.

Bye-bye abs! Anna-Maria Ferchichi showed her baby ball at the beginning of her pregnancy. With a wonderfully funny post that we show you in the video below.

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