Important news for parents, big announcement of NCOC regarding educational institutions

Islamabad: In view of the deteriorating situation in Corona, NCOC has announced to open educational institutions in cities with more than 10% participation with 50% attendance.

According to the details, the National Command and Operations Center, in view of the increase in Corona cases, quoting educational institutions, said that in cities with more than 10% participation, 50% in schools. Children will be allowed.

The statement said that half of the number of children under 12 years of age will be able to go to school at a rate of more than 10% while 100% of students above 12 years of age will attend school.

The NCOC says that full corona testing will be conducted in educational institutions across the country in the next two weeks while high rate educational institutions will be closed for one week.

NCOC has made corona vaccination compulsory for students above 12 years of age and said that vaccination of students above 12 years of age will start from February 1.

The National Command and Operations Center said that 100% students in educational institutions Vaccination will be ensured, students will have to present medical certificate for exemption from vaccination while students who do not get vaccinated will be deprived of educational facilities.


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