Poland illegally sent a group of migrants back across the Belarusian border

Amnesty wrote in her published report that she had been able to detect the movement of a group of migrants from Polish territory back to Belarusian territory using satellite images from 18 August. Activists believe the move could provide evidence of illegal repression of migrants

“To force people seeking asylum back (across borders) without an individual assessment of each The case is against European and international law, “ said AI Eve Geddie, Director of the Office of the European Institutions. A spokesman for the Polish government and the Polish Ministry of the Interior did not comment on the AI ​​report, Reuters reports.

encouraging illegal migration to the three countries in order to cause disputes and chaos within the EU.

Thousands of migrants have crossed the Polish border from Belarus since July, with more than 30 people stranded and five dead in the border area since mid-August. NGOs warn that many of them are in poor health and need medical attention.

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