RoV Team Valencia CF Esports has made some moves.

After the agency Valencia CF Esports, vice-champion of RoV Pro League 2021 Winter, has lost many key players from the team, including AlmondP, Piper, Nornun and Islindilz, on loan from Buriram United Esports. The announcement of the breakup with the team’s youngster who dropped out of the bench last season, Hanagus, leaves last season’s runners-up to only Pichu.  As a result, Valencia CF Esports fans have issued a redemption to ask about the movement of many teams, what to do with this incident, because soon the RoV Pro League 2022 Summer season will begin and if I have to say it The fact that the team lost 4 main players at the same time would have caused a huge change for the team in terms of form of play .  But most recently, the team has come out to move the fans to be happy because they have launched a player who is considered a decent name in RoV Thailand, such as Taoz, a former player from the EVOS Esports team and Ahq Esports 2 under the name As will come to take the position of Support for the team this season   And shortly after the launch of Taoz, the team has released another player named Nbank, a semi-pro player who has already participated in the King of Gamer Season 4 in his position. This guy is an off lane, so his position is sure to be a standout in Dark Slayer Lane, replacing Piper’s move to a new team PSG Esports.  Therefore, Valencia CF Esports now has a team of 4 players to compete in the RoV Pro League 2022 Summer, consisting of


  • Myra (Jungle)
  • Taoz (Support) Nbank (Dark Slayer Lane)

  • Pichu (Abyssal DragonLane)

But the team now still lacks players in the position of Mage RoV or Mid Lane, which must be watched for updates from the fan page. Valencia CF Esports – Thailand again that the players who will take the role in this position instead of Nornun will be who, but there is a chance. High to be a Semi-Pro player that the team is ready to fully awaken  

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