71 new COVID cases reported by APH, hospitalizations remain the same

Algoma Public Health is reporting 71 new COVID-19 cases in the region as of Wednesday afternoon.

In its latest update, issued shortly after 3 p.m., no new hospitalizations were reported since Tuesday’s update.

There are 13 people hospitalized in the region with another individual hospitalized who is a non-Algoma resident temporarily in the region.

Wednesday’s update shows an increase in active cases to 586, up 26 from Tuesday’s update. There are also four additional active cases in Algoma that are non-Algoma residents temporarily in the region.

The total number of tests completed in Algoma is up to 223,162, which is up by 548 from Tuesday.

The number of resolved cases in the region rose by 45 to 2,559 on Wednesday.

Note: As of Dec. 31, 2021, the province has limited COVID-19 PCR testing to the highest risk populations. Furthermore, some people with mild or asymptomatic infection may not seek testing. Algoma Public Health states that the numbers of confirmed cases are an underestimate of the actual number of people with COVID-19 in the Algoma region.

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