Hanoi requires an immediate stop to the strange dumping site that “tortures” villagers

The People’s Committee of Ung Hoa district (Hanoi) has requested in writing Tien Son Ha Tay Cement Joint Stock Company to immediately stop the operation of the fertilizer additive factory in Phu Du village, Hong Quang commune.

The above document was signed by Vice Chairman of Ung Hoa District People’s Committee Hoang Thi Van Anh on January 19. The shutdown is based on the report of the District Department of Natural Resources and Environment after this unit did a field inspection in Phu Du village.

According to Ung Hoa District People’s Committee, the suspension of operation will apply until the Company is inspected, approved and allowed to operate by a competent authority to ensure environmental protection factors. and land use management.

The district People’s Committee also asked Hong Quang commune to strengthen inspection, monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the content on both Tien Son Ha Tay Cement Joint Stock Company.

Previously, VietNamNet reflected on the people in Phu Du village calling for help because of the bad smell from the waste dump. next to the house “torture”. Soon after, the People’s Committee of Ung Hoa district on January 17th set up a delegation to check the status quo.

During the inspection process, the additive manufacturing workshop of Tien Son Ha Tay Cement Joint Stock Company was built on an area of ​​10,000 m2 owned by the People’s Committee of Ha Tay province (now the city of Ha Tay). Hanoi street) for lease 2007. The purpose of using the above land is for storage and production and trading of building materials.

At the time of inspection, the site had a corrugated iron roofing workshop with an area of ​​about 100 m2, an excavator and two workers. The rest of the land is a storage yard for raw materials including humus, rice husk ash, molasses, SA powder (Ammonium sulphate). During the inspection, the officers did not notice any odors.

Hà Nội yêu cầu dừng ngay hoạt động bãi thải lạ 'tra tấn' dân làng
Production area fertilizer additive production is located right next to people’s houses in Phu Du village, Hong Quang commune

Working process, Mr. Vu Van Tinh, manager of the production facility said that the facility operates from December 2021. Regarding the legal documents, the production of additives for the fertilizer and cement industry, the company has not yet produced the legal documents on environmental protection.

Conclusion after inspection, Ung Hoa District People’s Committee found that Tien Son Ha Tay Cement Joint Stock Company was leasing land for storage and production and trading of building materials. However, at present, the land lease position on which the company has built a factory to produce fertilizer additives is not for the right purpose. Regarding environmental protection, the Company does not have a written approval from the agency approving the environmental impact assessment report.

Doan Bong

Bãi thải lạ tra tấn dân Hà Nội: Chủ tịch xã cấp thông tin bất ngờHà Nội yêu cầu dừng ngay hoạt động bãi thải lạ 'tra tấn' dân làng

Strange dump site Tons of people in Hanoi: The chairman of the commune gave unexpected information

Leader of Hong Quang Commune People’s Committee (Ung Hoa District, Hanoi) admitted that the commune has never been reported to have a microbiological fertilizer production enterprise in the commune. .

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Hà Nội yêu cầu dừng ngay hoạt động bãi thải lạ 'tra tấn' dân làng
People cry for help because of the stench from the fertilizer additive production area
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