Covid, infections run in prison, insufficient Ffp2 masks: one for every 16 people

Virus behind bars

From 20 February the green pass, mandatory for staff, will be asked to visitors and not to prisoners

by Nicoletta Cottone

Article updated on 11 January 2022 at 5.40 pm

Covid, the national guarantor for prisoners: “Many asymptomatic positives, but there is double anxiety in prison “

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In prison the Ff2 masks and the are missing contagions run . The new complaint comes from the Uilpa Penitentiary Police, which has taken into account the means of protection available. The first supply of 6 thousand Ffp2 masks from the commissioner structure of General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo is judged to be inadequate compared to the number of detainees. Here’s why.

One mask every 16 people

«If we consider that in prison there are over 54 thousand inmates and more than 41 thousand operators belonging to the penitentiary police (36 thousand) and other professionals, this means a mask for every 16 people and 30 for each prison. All of this speaks for itself, like certain cartoons ‘Speechless’! », Underlined Gennarino De Fazio, general secretary of the Uilpa Penitentiary Police. “We continue not to understand – added De Fazio, why the Ffp2 masks are imposed in places where the presence of more people is expected, such as cinemas and theaters, but not in prisons, where overcrowding peaks of almost 200 are recorded. percent “.

The green pass is asked to family members, but not to prisoners

“The green pass – recalled De Fazio – is not asked of prisoners, but of visiting family members, as if only visitors could infect and become infected”. Under the lens the fact that the reinforced green pass is mandatory from 15 December 2021 for the prison police, but who is restricted in prison is not asked. From 20 January – for face-to-face interviews with inmates – the basic green pass is required within prisons for adults and minors. Another problem, the lawyers, who are not cited as obliged to pass for access to prisons in the new decree, which instead obliges the green pass in the courts from 1 February (strengthened if over 50).

Infections run in prison

AND, thanks to the variant Omicron , the infections run in prison. On the website of the Ministry of Justice the data up to the morning of 11 January the data were updated to 27 December 2021 (510 infected prisoners and 527 officers). Instead, the latest data provided by the prison administration on 6 January 2022 to the prison police already reported 1,057 prisoners and 1,110 prison policemen positive for the new coronavirus, almost all cases followed and managed internally by the institutions. “In reality, cards in hand, the data are discordant and undersized – explained De Fazio – compared to the direct information in our possession, which results from the certifications provided at the local level to our local trade unions”. De Fazio reports the case of Verona: “In Verona, for example, where we reported an outbreak of about 140 inmates and 30 operators last week, as of January 6, 95 detainees and 27 operators were infected in the official data”. From the update published in the afternoon of 11 January on the website of the Ministry of Justice, a strong growth emerges: the positive prisoners are 1,532 (of which 28 newcomers), out of a total of 53,561 presences, while the cases are 1,426 among the 36,939 policemen penitentiaries in service.

Scopri di più

The controversy over the doses administered

Contrasts also on the number of doses administered behind bars. As of January 6, the pandemic began 97,017 doses. «It is not very indicative to report the doses administered since the beginning of the pandemic – underlined De Fazio – because in prison there is a turnover of 3 thousand inmates per month, which means about 40 thousand people a year. So, in reality, we don’t know exactly how many prisoners are vaccinated and how many are not “.

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