$ 68 billion recovery plan: Microsoft's biggest deal to turn gaming into a gaming empire

The most difficult year in the history of the game distributor Activision comes to an unexpected end – with a huge acquisition that will put it under the umbrella of the Xbox universe

Many complaints about a particularly toxic organizational culture, large-scale abandonment of manpower, investigations by government officials, games being killed and a stock that lost nearly half a campaign – there is no doubt that 2021 will not Brightened the face of the big American developer and distributor Activision , and was probably the worst for her (at least in terms of image) since the merger between To Vivendi which led to the birth of its current incarnation in 2008. Now, almost out of nowhere, comes the announcement of the biggest deal in the gaming world ever – when Microsoft becomes the new owner in a deal with an estimated value of $ 68.7 billion (!).

The gaming division of has been on a significant strengthening trend since 2018, when it announced the acquisition of four development companies Medium in one stroke and added another pair to them a few months later. Last year saw the impressive announcement of the acquisition of ZeniMax Media for just over $ 8 billion, and with it the well-known game developer and distributor Bethesda, with tech giant representatives making it clear they are continuing to explore opportunities for further acquisitions in the market – but not sure anyone expected a huge and ambitious move Like the current one, which compared to all the other previous purchases is easily dwarfed, including those of , and LinkedIn.

A few days ago, the network was furious about a $ 12.7 billion acquisition deal by the distributor Take-Two and the developer of the successful mobile titles Zynga – now that agreement is also drowning in the sea of ​​cash that Microsoft plans to pour here ()) The acquisition of Activision Blizzard will bring Microsoft control of the Call of Duty brand first and foremost, Compare tens of billions of dollars in itself as one of the most successful and lucrative series in the gaming world since its inception – in addition to the worlds of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, Overwatc h and also the huge mobile hit Candy Crush as a dessert. Microsoft’s people were quick to announce that they will work to integrate as many of the new home division’s titles into their Game Pass platform as soon as possible, and in the longer term after the final closing of the acquisition (which is only expected next year) some of the most intriguing and talked about works Exclusive to Xbox consoles and PC-based , with the competitor’s consoles (and Nintendo) will have to do without them.

Microsoft will now have more than 20 different development studios under its belt – all ready to start developing games that will be exclusive to the universe

Xbox Sooner or later

Not everyone is happy with the brewing deal, especially in light of reports that Activision’s infamous CEO , Bobby Kotik, will remain In his role in the foreseeable future when the deal actually stabilizes his status after months of pressure from different directions Designed to make him take responsibility for his company’s dilapidated situation and resign – but Microsoft’s head of gaming division Phil Spasner is expected to gain significant power in the company’s operations and new development centers added to his lineup, hoping he and his people can continue the positive work And will perform the necessary cleaning of the stables on the way to the renewal of series and keys that have lost their way.

Bobby Kotik is not the most popular man among the various gaming enthusiasts, to put it mildly – but he probably will not disappear so quickly from the spotlight of the field
The announcement in the official blog of

Xbox About the deal also revealed to us that the Game Pass service for a fixed monthly fee crossed an impressive threshold of 25 million subscribers, who already provide tens of millions of dollars for Microsoft every month – and there is no doubt that the launch of the acquisition of Activision is intended to allow this figure to grow even more, among other things Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here
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