PHOTO: Bookworms Among Famous Slovenes

Many famous Slovenes nurtured their love of books and reading as children. The popular singer admitted to us that she did not like reading at school and that she only discovered books later in life.

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Zala Kralj with her pile of books she read this summer.

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Popular singer Nika Zorjan is by profession a classroom teacher and admits to having two passions. One of them is books. “I like to read motivational books that have addicted me,” she said. “When I was in school, I didn’t like reading, but when I discovered motivational books and those for personal growth, I was absolutely blown away. They motivate me and put me in a better mood, ” said the passionate reader, who has a special habit about books. “I don’t like to borrow books in the library, because I like the book at home so that I can pick it up several times and read it over and over again.”

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Nika Zorjan loves to read, especially motivational books and those on personal growth.

Among the musicians, a passionate reader is also Zala Kralj, a singer who performs together with her partner by Gašper Šantl P ravi that there is no better farewell than summer than sharing book recommendations. She has read as many as 18 books this summer, and will now start reading in the autumn.

Bernarda Žarn has quite a few books, to which he constantly returns.


Among the bookworms that promote reading is also a TV presenter Bernarda Žarn. » With each book, I read myself in some way, definitely. Unfortunately, one of the most beautiful thoughts about reading was written by her late compatriot, who wrote under the pseudonym Helena Cestnik. “Reading is retreating into oneself, gathering shells on the endless shore, weaving rays into beams of light, in the hustle and bustle of precious silence and chatting unspoken words.” There are some books, h to whom she likes to return? “Yes, I have books to which I return for wisdom, for comfort, for courage. Stories at the kitchen table and Blessings of Grandfather Rachel Naomi Remen and the book of correspondence Mance Košir Gifts of passing and Human love. ”

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Jože likes to read early in the morning and late in the evening.

Also her co-host and friend Jože Robežnik has become a real promoter of reading, as he says that books are important in writing screenplays and preparing for performances. “It’s true, I’ve been trying to read more for a while now. I read in the morning before the house wakes up, and in the evening before going to bed, “ said Jože, adding that Bernarda also recommended a book to him.

Vo ditelj David Urankar has loved reading since childhood and is happy that the love for books handed down to him by his parents was passed on to his sons. “Without fairy tales, almost no day passes,” said recently, adding that reading is important for sightseeing and vocabulary, and last but not least, a great way to calm down just before bedtime.

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