Law enforcers have broken the law, watch the video

4 Indian Gujarat policemen suspended for not wearing masks and seat belts Done Turns out, the same thing happened in Indian Gujarat where 4 policemen were playing music in the car, but this happiness proved to be a source of suspension for them.

A video has gone viral on social media in which 4 Gujarat police personnel in police uniforms are dancing and having fun on music while traveling in a car. On this occasion, they are neither wearing masks nor wearing seat belts. , One of the officials who was having fun made a video of these moments from his mobile and shared it on social media.

# NDTVBeeps | Viral: Gujarat Cops Jamming In Car Without Masks, Seatbelts

– NDTV (tndtv) January 20, 2022

This video was to come on social media to understand an earthquake all over India The video went viral on social media as well as on the mainstream media, on which the police department also took action and SP Myer Patil immediately suspended the four officers.

The official said in a statement that the officers in police uniforms had defamed the department by violating traffic rules.

Different opinions are emerging on the media, some people say that what they did wrong but suspension is a severe punishment, the fine was enough, while there is no shortage of people on social media who are against this decision of the police department. Defending is saying that the decision to suspend is absolutely correct because they have broken the traffic rules.


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