The processor of the Samsung Galaxy S22 per purchase

The presentation day of the Samsung Galaxy S22 and Galaxy Tab S8 is approaching. We know literally everything about the upcoming flagship smartphones and tablets. But, a small issue remains. What processor will the S22 have in each market?

Following rumors that Samsung will not have the Exynos 2200 ready for its flagships due to problems, and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 will be used everywhere An executive said that this is not the case, that he will make his debut soon, and will be used in S22.

A few days ago the company introduced the Exynos 2200, which on paper says a lot. Now, we have learned which processor the Samsung Galaxy S22 will have per purchase and which ones will be available with both. In Europe, all models will only be available in versions with the Exynos 2200.

Galaxy S22 Series AP by Regions
1. Europe: Exynos
2. North America: Snapdragon
3. South America: Snapdragon
4. East Asia: Snapdragon
5. South East Asia / Oceania: Snapdragon
6. West Asia: Exynos & Snapdragon
7. Middle East Asia: Exynos & Snapdragon
8. Africa: Exynos & Snapdragon

– Dohyun Kim (@ dohyun854) January 20, 2022

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