Captain Amarinder Singh's military style: Salute to the CRPF jawans posted at Kapurthala House; shake hands

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  • Amarinder’s Military Style Salutes CRPF Jawans Posted At Kapurthala House; Shaking Hands Said Thank You For The Protection

JalandharOne hour ago

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कपूरथला हाउस में CRPF जवानों से हाथ मिलाकर शुक्रिया कहते कैप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह। - Dainik Bhaskar

Captain Amarinder Singh shaking hands with CRPF jawans at Kapurthala House.

Retired from the army Captain Amarinder Singh’s love for the army is visible all the time . In Punjab, he had to give up the chief minister’s chair. He had gone to Delhi only 3 days ago. There he also reached Kapurthala House, the official residence of Punjab CM. Here he also met the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel posted in security. Amarinder Singh thanked him for the role he played in his security. Shake hands with the soldiers, saluted. Together he asked them to take full protection of the next CM Charanjit Channi.

Amarinder Singh joined the army in 1963 as a captain. He left the army in 1965 after the war with Pakistan. The Captain studied with former PM Rajiv Gandhi at Sanawar School. In 1980, Captain contested the elections only at the behest of Rajiv. However, during the time of former PM Indira Gandhi, she left the Congress due to Operation Blue Star at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. CRPF जवानों को सैल्यूट करते कैप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह।Captain Amarinder Singh saluting the CRPF jawans.

The song was hummed by giving a party to the first batchmates

After the removal of Captain Amarinder Singh from the chair of CM There is uproar in Punjab Congress. Away from this, Amarinder gave a party to NDA batchmates at Mohinder Bagh Farm House a few days ago, in which 47 of his batchmates attended. Then he revived the old memories by humming the mic tham song. CRPF जवानों को सैल्यूट करते कैप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह।Captain Amarinder Singh singing a song at the party given to NDA batchmates. Politically also Amarinder’s visit to Delhi is important

Amarinder from political point of view Singh’s visit to Delhi was very important. He met Home Minister Amit Shah and National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval. Then there he announced not to stay in Congress. Amarinder also said that he will not go to the BJP either. Now it is believed that they will form a new organization or will activate the All India Jat Mahasabha again. Through which, with the consent of the United Kisan Front (SKM), the farmers will find a solution to the agitation by negotiating with the central government. After which he will show his dominance in the Punjab assembly elections 2022.

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