Huawei appeals – demands proof

Huawei har slipat på argumenten. Arkivbild.

Huawei has honed the arguments. Stock Photography. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix / TT

Huawei demands concrete evidence that the company would pose a security threat to Sweden. On Thursday night, the Chinese telecom giant submitted its complete appeal to the Court of Appeal.

In June, the message came from the administrative court – Huawei poses a security threat to Sweden if the Chinese company were to be allowed to build Swedish telecom networks according to the latest technology, 5G. The background is the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency’s (PTS) previous decision to close Chinese companies out, based on a security check by Säpo and the Swedish Armed Forces. )

Huawei announced early that it intended to appeal, but wanted time to motivate itself. On Thursday evening, the documents were submitted to the court.

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