How to Know When It’s Too Cold to Take Your Dog on a Walk

A Black Labrador In Winter
Image Source: Getty / Faba-Photography

It’s not always easy to know whether your dog is cold, so you may be wondering: how cold is too cold for your furry friend? As temperatures drop in the fall and winter, it’s important to know when it becomes dangerous for your dog to be outside during chilly weather, whether they are playing in the snow or out for a brisk walk.

In this infographic from pet insurance company Fetch by The Dodo, you can see an easy breakdown of when temperatures become dangerous for different-sized dogs. For small and medium dogs, temperatures start becoming unsafe around 45 degrees Fahrenheit, while for large dogs, it’s when the temperature drops to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Dangerous temperatures start at 30 degrees Fahrenheit for small and medium dogs and 15 degrees Fahrenheit for large dogs. Check out the full infographic below, and then if you need more winter pet advice, check out how to remove ice and snow from your dog’s fur here.

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