Netflix hides a big secret that will revolutionize the market!

Netflix may have a big secret up its sleeve. This is because the streaming giant does not want to dominate only in the field of movies and series. It is true that it is and will be one of the most important features of this service. However, the streaming giant hides something much bigger that could shake the series up in the market. And who lifted the veil a little was even the CEO of the company, Reed Hastings. On Twitter he said a curious sentence that has a lot to say to him.

In the words of the Netflix CEO, he asks not to be asked what Netflix is ​​going to do next in the gaming world. At least, as long as it doesn’t offer the best game streaming service out there. That is, this is indeed a great promise and coming from Netflix has everything to shake the market. There are already several streaming services for games, all of them with good quality. But if a platform that already has excellent series and movies starts doing the same, this will give a lot to talk about.

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We can’t forget Netflix’s close relationships with several studios and the power that this company has. Now this is half the way for this platform to be able to guarantee the necessary agreements for the availability of many titles.

At the moment, what Netflix has shown us is not much. It has a few games but nothing that holds our attention for a long time. Anyway, things may change soon and the games will be really interesting.

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Can you imagine what it’s like for a series to mix with a game and suddenly we can start playing part of what we’re seeing?

It’s really amazing and That’s why Netflix can completely revolutionize the gaming world. After all, for now, being more specialized in movies and series is not a downside. It may even be the great advantage of this platform.

This bet seems to be more and more a reality. This is because the information circulating on the Internet shows that Netflix is ​​creating its own game development studio. It remains to be seen if everything will go well. It’s just that with regard to other manufacturers (I remember Google) despite the service being good, it falls short of other platforms.

At the moment it seems unlikely that Netflix will be able to compete with giants like Microsoft or Sony

. However, many people also thought that DVDs were not going to die. Life changes and technology can break trends very quickly. So the secret that Netflix is ​​keeping can and will undoubtedly revolutionize the market.

Bruno Fonseca

Founder of Leak, he debuted online in 1999 when he created He took his first steps into the world of technology with the Spectrum 48K and never let go of computers. He is addicted to cell phones, tablets and gadgets.

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