Changes in road safety and use of electric transport are being prepared, – the People's Deputy

The state policy of Ukraine on road safety needs changes, the People’s Deputy believes

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Accidents and deaths on the roads of Ukraine remain a problem that needs to be addressed as a matter of priority. This was announced by Yuriy Koryavchenkov, People’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the IX convocation, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Roads and Roads, writes “TSN”.

Mainly the main reasons are the low level of road safety, which leads to enormous physical and moral suffering of society, economic losses due to injuries and deaths of the working population.

“It has been scientifically proven that 95% of accidents can be prevented. That is, not all road accidents are natural disasters, they are subject to scientific analysis, which can identify the causes, factors and circumstances of each accident and major accidents at the city, regional or national level, “said Koryavchenkov.

The MP believes that the state policy of Ukraine on road safety in its current state needs to be reformed in at least three fundamental areas:

    Improve the implementation of the state’s obligations to society in the field of road safety. In particular, regarding safe roads, safe vehicles, safe behavior of drivers and passengers, as well as in the field of emergency medical care in case of an accident. Improve the State system of management, implementation and control, which should have institutional responsibilities and coordination of actions of various bodies.

  1. Analysis of existing and modernization of priorities of state goals and strategies actions in the field of road safety, implementation of a system of monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of certain measures.

Today the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure is working to improve Ukrainian legislation, both in the field of safety and in the field of electric personal transport.

For example, recommends that the Council return bills movement of electric scooters, segways, segwills, gyroscooters, as well as the consolidation of the rights, duties and responsibilities of persons who control them, for completion (use technically sound vehicles, do not transport passengers, set fines).

Read also


The shuttle bus went into a ditch and could not get out on its own

The car accident happened in the city of Sambir, in the Lviv region

Woman died on the spot

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