Dutch woman arrested after giving a Nazi salute ‘as a bad joke’ in photo at Auschwitz death camp

Dutch woman, 29, is arrested in Poland after giving a Nazi salute ‘as a bad joke’ while posing for a photo at the gates of the Auschwitz death camp

  • The woman, 29, was posing in a photograph in what she called a ‘bad joke’
  • She has been fined by Polish authorities for engaging in ‘Nazi propaganda’
  • The photo had been taken at the Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Sets You Free) gate

By Chay Quinn For MailOnline

Published: | Updated:

A Dutch tourist was charged with Nazi propaganda after doing a Nazi salute in front of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland.

The woman, 29, was posing in a photograph taken by her husband in what she has described as a ‘bad joke’, according to the PAP news agency.

The photo had been taken at the Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Sets You Free) gate.

The offensive photo had been taken at the Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Sets You Free) gate

The camp was the site of 1.1million murders by Nazi Germany after they built it in 1939 after the invasion of Poland in September of that year.

The camp is now a museum to the Holocaust and stands in the southern Polish town of Oswiecim.

Almost a million of the murdered people at the camp were Jewish – as part of the Final Solution intended to eradicate Jewish people from Europe. 

The camp was the site of 1.1million murders by Nazi Germany after they built it in 1939 after the invasion of Poland in September of that year

The vast majority of the murders were via gas chambers at the camp but many died from starvation, disease and even medical experiences at the death camp.  

Soviet troops liberated the camp in early 1945.

Poland previously made it a criminal offence to accuse the Polish state of complicity in Nazi war crimes but backed down when it was heavily criticised for doing so.

The offence had carried a penalty of three years in jail.

The invasion of Poland in September 1939 marked the start of the Second World War after Hitler broke promises to not invade the eastern European country.

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