NATO is increasing its military presence in Eastern Europe

Spain is providing ships to join the NATO navy and is considering sending fighters to Bulgaria. France has expressed readiness to send troops to Romania under NATO command. The Netherlands has been sending two F-35 fighter jets to Bulgaria since April to support the activities of the airspace protection pact, and is putting a ship and ground forces on alert for Allied response forces.

The United States is considering increasing its military presence in the eastern part of the alliance, added NATO. “I welcome the allies who are providing additional forces for NATO,” said Pact Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “NATO will continue to take all necessary measures to protect and defend all Allies, including by supporting the Alliance’s eastern countries,” he added. “We will always respond to any deterioration in the security environment, including by strengthening joint defense,” he said.

NATO has increased its presence on the eastern flank, including four multinational battle groups in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. These units, led by Britain, Canada, Germany and the United States, respectively, are multinational and combat-ready. Their presence indicates that an attack on an ally will be seen as an attack on the entire alliance. Prior to 2014, there were no NATO forces in the eastern part of the pact, the statement said.


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