Coronavirus: blood stocks are in critical condition, warns the Red Cross, “this 5th wave complicates things enormously”

By Sudinfo with Belga

The current situation of blood stocks is in a state criticism “and will be even more so in the days to come”, alerted the Belgian Red Cross on Monday evening.


In two weeks, the Red Cross has seen its stock melt by more than 1,600 pockets. “If nothing is done, on 31.01.2022, we will have less than 1,000 pockets in our fridges, namely barely a third of the recommended level for optimal operation”, warns the organization in a press release.

If the month of January is usually synonymous with recovery for the Blood Service, donors are not there this year. “This 5th wave complicates things enormously. The very sharp increase in cases and, of course, contact cases, means that a significant part of our donors do not go to blood drives”, specifies the Red Cross. Attendance has indeed decreased by 20%, i.e. 600 fewer donors per week out of the 3,000 expected. “This poses a real problem for the continuity of supplies to hospitals whose activity is currently very sustained. »

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