4 categories excluded from the “travel ban” for unvaccinated citizens

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has identified four categories that are excluded from the decision to prevent the travel of unvaccinated citizens, which came into force on January 10, and the status of the exemption is required to be shown in the “Al-Hosn” application.

Cases included The exempted are citizens of the country under the age of 18, and groups medically excluded from taking the vaccine, with the need to review the health authority from which the medical exemption was issued, to include it in the “Al-Hosn” application, and those recovering from the “Covid-19” virus, whose recovery period did not exceed Three months, regardless of the number of doses, and excluded humanitarian cases, including cases of illness or death of first-degree relatives of citizens, as they can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’s call center No. 80044444 )) to issue a travel permit.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that it is required for citizens traveling to present the status of the travel permit on the Al-Hosn application, and to ensure that two doses of the “Covid-19” vaccine are obtained, in addition to the supporting dose, according to

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, in coordination with the National Authority for the Administration of Emergencies, crises and disasters, prohibiting travel for all citizens of the country who are not vaccinated with the “Covid-19” vaccine, as of January 10, and a requirement to obtain a supporting dose for the two vaccinators to allow them to travel.

The Ministry called on citizens traveling abroad to Ensuring that travel requirements are met for the desired destination, specifying four instructions that must be adhered to, namely obtaining two doses of the “Covid-19” vaccine, in addition to the supporting dose, according to the approved national protocol for supporting doses, and conducting a laboratory examination (pcr) for the “Covid-19” virus. “, before departure and upon arrival, and the presence of quarantine for those coming from the country, or a travel ban or flight suspension, and filling out the form for travelers coming to the country of destination if required.

And she stressed the need to follow the following procedures: Registration in “My presence” service, knowing the preventive and precautionary measures, and the applicable laws in the country of destination, making sure that there is no travel ban or suspension of flying in the destination country, reviewing the status of visa exemption before traveling to the destination, and making sure that the passport is valid, and the period that is sufficient The period of departure and return shall not be less than six

It advised travelers to obtain global medical insurance, which includes insurance against the “Covid-19” virus, to be able to obtain the necessary health care, avoid the risks of health complications due to infection with the virus, and avoid incurring expenses and expenses.

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