Dubai Health trains 100,000 paramedics to rescue cases of sudden cardiac arrest

The Dubai Health Authority stated that it is implementing a plan to train 100,000 people in cardiac rescue within five years, as part of an initiative called “Dubai, the city of a healthy heart” with the aim of saving lives in cases of sudden cardiac arrest outside hospitals.

Consultant Cardiologist and Executive Director of Rashid Hospital in Dubai, Dr. Fahd Baslaib, said in a press statement on the sidelines of the Arab Health Conference and Exhibition that “Dubai is the city of a healthy heart” is a voluntary community medical initiative that aims to train 100,000 people from Employees of government institutions, and members of the community, for the rapid intervention process in the event of any person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, for any reason, so that he will be rescued within four minutes. In Dubai, while the survival rate of this category reaches 5% in the Middle East, the authority aims to raise it to 65%, by ensuring the intervention within the first four minutes.

He indicated that the initiative is in place. On three pillars, they are training the largest number of paramedics, distributing 10,000 cardiopulmonary resuscitation devices, and a smart application that recognizes the nearest paramedic and the nearest device. In the event that any person suffers a sudden heart attack, or loses consciousness in the street, or any public place, any of his companions or members of the community can use the smart application, to find out the nearest first aid device, the nearest specialized paramedic or hospital, and the application submits a request to the nearest trained paramedic, or a center direct ambulance and hospital, with the aim of providing the necessary treatment services to the patient as soon as possible.”

He pointed out that the authority has begun to form teams of trainees in cooperation with a number of government agencies, to train its employees on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, noting that A number of defibrillators will be distributed to cover all areas of Dubai geographically.

First line of defense

A consultant said Cardiology, Executive Director of Rashid Hospital in Dubai, Dr. Fahd Baslaib, that neglecting a lot of exercise regularly is the first way to develop many diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, pressure, and high cholesterol, which in turn leads to cardiovascular disease. Finally, especially in the adult category. He stressed that exercising is the first line of defense to prevent these diseases, calling on members of society to take advantage of the “fitness challenge” to become a continuous lifestyle, and be a new beginning in their life that will last a lifetime.

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