The Dominican Republic goes for everything in the US and at FITUR

It’s tourism!

It is evident that the day the Covid-19 pandemic is controlled, the Dominican Republic will be there, among the great Caribbean attractions for the United States and several European countries.

Alejandro de la Rosa

Foto: AFP.

It is evident that the day the Covid-19 pandemic is controlled, the Dominican Republic will be there, among the great Caribbean attractions for the United States and several European countries.

The competition with Cancun and Rivera Maya it is growing.

And they will be stronger than ever because they have not stopped their promotion strategy despite adversity, which includes the sponsorship of the International Tourism Fair ( FITUR), in Madrid, which will start in a few more days.

During 2019 they received 5.3 million international tourists, in 2020, due to the health crisis, they were 1.7 million and last year (with data as of November) totaled 3.2 million. And they go for more.

As part of a very precise plan to support the activity, on Wednesday, January 12, its president, Luis Abinader, attended the inauguration of the Margaritaville Island hotel complex Reserve Cap Cana by Karisma.

There he reiterated that during his management tourism is a priority, just the words that you want to hear in Mexico.

“This industry (tourism) has been one of the sectors that has contributed the most to the Dominican economic recovery after the negative effects of the global coronavirus pandemic,” he said during a festive ceremony in which he wore a white guayabera.

In addition to words, facts. Last September, the president launched his new country-brand strategy in New York with which he will seek to strengthen presence, business relations and promotion in that nation, where it is assured that the majority of Dominicans who live outside its territory reside.

As initial results, during December 2021 it was in the group of the three countries that managed to receive more passengers from the US, compared to the same month in 2019, of the 20 reported by Airlines for America.

Colombia grew 20%, Dominican Republic 19% and Mexico 7%, while the Caribbean competition had negative figures: Bahamas fell 23% and Jamaica 19 percent .

As a next step, a select delegation will be present at FITUR, in Spain, to talk about its tourist attractions (Dominican is the only country that has been a repeat sponsor since 2016, when it was created the figure). Upon entering the fair’s website, after a click, you can read:

The Dominican Republic is the second largest and most diverse country in the Caribbean. With direct flights from the main cities of Latin America, the United States, Canada and Europe, it is a country that stands out for the warmth of its climate and the hospitality of its people. The Dominican Republic is a destination without equal that has an extraordinary nature, fascinating history and great cultural wealth.

Promotion is and will be the key to recovery. Real promotion that is promoted from the head of a government. Tourism does not sell itself, it is known ex ante.

In the country of merengue and bachata they are clear about the value of tourist activity, therefore the public-private relationship is a priority that has allowed them to face the various challenges that are experienced daily, such as compliance with strict health protocols that generate confidence in tourists.

Without losing sight of what the Dominican Republic will do In terms of promotion in the following months, it is suggested to calmly listen to the singer Juan Luis Guerra, national tourist ambassador, in that song that says: “… so that all the children sing in the field, I hope it rains coffee in the field ” Or the version of Café Tacuba.

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