Book of Boba Fett release date buries the lede: That armor!

Today we’re taking a slightly closer look at the latest imagery released by Lucasfilm for Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett. We’ve seen just a bit of Boba Fett at the tail end of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2, including the new version of his ship, repainted armor, and his infamous sawed-off blaster rifle and jet pack. Now, we get to see a bit more.

Upon revealing the release date for the first episode of The Book of Boba Fett on Disney+, a new “poster” image was shown. This new imagery revealed Boba Fett sitting on his throne – the throne from which he removed the previous owner: Bib Fortuna.

In the last scene we see of Boba Fett, we saw a slightly less tightly-knit version of the bounty hunter. He still had the cloak-like element behind his legs, and the darkness of the scene all but hid the blaster.

With the release of this new poster image, we see Boba Fett at a point which must be after the point at which we see him take the throne. He has the new paint, but he’s sporting a bit more battle damage than we saw in the last episode of The Mandalorian.

The design of the armor was a collaborative effort between costume designer Shawna Trpcic, her son, and the folks at Ironhead Studios. As noted by Ironhead Studios, the group was “asked by Costume Designer Shawna Trpcic to build the Boba Fett suit for The Book of Boba Fett. This character is so beloved and had a great impact on all of us, we really went the extra mile and put many levels of detail into the suit.”

Per Trpcic, one element’s designer can be called out specifically: her son Joseph Trpcic designed the belt buckle. Certain parts of the suit are new editions of the original armor, while others are wholly new to the suit.

The entire undercoat is black instead of gray or off-white/tan. New black gloves on both hands and a black wrap appears over both shoulders. This new armor set has no crotch armor – unless we assume it’s either black or is covered by the black material on the outside. It’s much more fashionable this way, in any case.

The new armor has a new belt with similar packs as the original, connected by the aforementioned belt buckle. Gone is the cape on the left shoulder, gone are the trophy hair braids on the right shoulder.

The gun looks a little thicker than the original – but it might just be the angle we’re seeing it at here in this photorealistic illustration. The right leg now rolls with a new strap, too.

We’ll certainly see a whole lot more about this armor in the coming weeks and months. As one of the most popular Star Wars characters in the universe and the star of what’ll likely be the biggest Star Wars show to date, we’ll see MASSIVE detail, top to bottom, inside to outside – without a doubt. We can’t wait!

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