Carteron announces the list of Zamalek to face Ceramica in the League Cup

Al Bawaba Sport

كارتيرون مدرب الزمالك Zamalek coach Carteron

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The French coach, Patrice Carteron, the coach of the first football team in Zamalek, announced the list of the team in preparation for facing the Ceramica Cleopatra team in the fourth round of the third group in the League of Professional Clubs Which will be held tomorrow, Friday, at five in the evening, at Othman Ahmed Othman Stadium in Al Jabal Al Akhdar.
The list came as follows:

Mohamed Awad – Mr. Attia in the goalkeeper.
Hossam Abdel Majid – Mohamed Abdel Ghani – Abdullah Gomaa – Ahmed Zaki – Mohamed Abdel Shafi – Mohamed Tariq in the line of defense.

Muhammad Hossam Besso – Youssef Obama – Islam Jaber – Muhammad Onajem – Mahmoud Abdel Razek Shikabala – Razak Cissé – Saif Jaafar – Sayed Neymar – Majed Hani in the midfield.

Youssef Osama – Omar Al-Saeed – Hossam Ashraf in the offensive line.

Zamalek plays the Cup matches The League is without the international players who are with the teams of Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco in Cameroon to participate in the African Nations Cup, and they are Muhammad Abu Jabal, Mahmoud Al Wensh, Mahmoud Alaa, Ahmed Fattouh, Imam Ashour, Ahmed Sayed Zizou, Saif Al Jaziri, Hamza Mathlouthi, and Ashraf bin Sharqi.

The white team is at the top of the third group in the League Cup with teams, Farco, Enppi, Ghazl El-Mahalla, Ceramica Cleopatra and Tala’a El-Jaish.

كارتيرون مدرب الزمالك

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