Momentum builds toward Josh McDaniels, Dave Ziegler package for Raiders

The first clue that change was coming for the Raiders arrived when the team clumsily fired G.M. Mike Mayock. The next clue, which technically was the first clue, came when the Raiders requested permission to interview Patriots executive Dave Ziegler for the not-yet-vacant Raiders G.M. job. The latest clue came when rumors began to make the rounds over the weekend (as mentioned here) that Raiders owner Mark Davis will be making a run at Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels.

Finally, after nearly three weeks and nine coaching vacancies, the Raiders requested permission to speak to McDaniels. There’s more and more buzz building that McDaniels and Ziegler will end up in Las Vegas as head coach and G.M.

As one source not with direct knowledge of the situation but sufficient general knowledge of the sausage-making process put it, a McDaniels and Ziegler package is “just about a sure thing” for the Raiders.

Plenty of boxes still need to be checked, however. Four years ago, McDaniels was ready to jump to the Colts — until he didn’t. Whatever caused him to change his mind (something that happened with the Patriots, something that happened with the Colts, or a little bit of both) could still occur once he spent more time learning about working there..

That said, McDaniels is the target for the Raiders. The Raiders are the target for McDaniels. The wheels are in motion. Barring a flat tire, McDaniels will happen in Vegas and stay in Vegas.

Momentum builds toward Josh McDaniels, Dave Ziegler package for Raiders originally appeared on Pro Football Talk

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