Manchester United to play on Saturday, Solskjaer stuns

Manajer Manchester United Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. (c) AP Photo

Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. (c) AP Photo – A protest is given Ole Gunnar Solskjaer to operators

Premier League. He could not understand why his team was given a schedule to play on Saturday this week.

Manchester United will play their EPL matchday seven tomorrow. They were assigned to host Everton at Old Trafford.

Manchester United had practically only two days to prepare for this match. Because the Red Devils only played on Thursday this morning in the UCL event.

Solskjaer admitted that he was not happy to see MU’s playing schedule. “I don’t think there’s any other explanation for this, it’s all because of the TV,” said Solskjaer.

Read the manager’s full comments below.

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Keeps Repeating

Solskjaer admits no I can’t understand why the team was given a schedule on Saturday when they only played two days ago.

“The current schedule is absolutely not It makes sense. We had the same scenario last season, where in the middle of the week we played in Turkey and then a few days later we played Everton,”

“We were forced to go through the same scenario. Nam un it’s not because we’ve been in the same situation last year means we have to do the same scenario again,”

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Should be Shifted

In Solskjaer’s opinion, it should be the teams that play on Tuesday which was played on Saturday.

But he couldn’t understand why his team was played first.

“We and Chelsea played on Wednesday, so Liverpool vs Chelsea should have been played on Saturday too. So this schedule doesn’t make any sense at all,” he complained.

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Crucial Points

This match against Everton is a crucial match for Manchester United.

This is because they are only one point away from the top of the standings so they must continue to secure points.

(Manchester Evening News)

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