Beware: GriftHorse malware infects more than 10 million Android devices

Researchers at the cybersecurity company Zimperium warn of a new form of Android malware. The so-called GriftHorse virus is hidden in more than 200 Android apps and has infected more than 10 million Android devices.

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New Android malware spotted: what you need to know about GriftHorse

According to the researchers, the GriftHorse malware is in more than 70 countries emerged. At the end of last year, the virus ended up on more than 10 million Android devices via all kinds of rogue apps.

GriftHorse is a so-called trojan. These types of viruses hide in apps that seem legitimate at first glance. Once users install the app on their phone, the true nature comes out and the trouble begins.

The goal of GriftHorse is simple: money. When an infected app was installed, users would receive a lot of notifications telling them that they had won a nice prize. The notifications came in several times a day.

How GriftHorse works

When a user clicks on this tap, he or she will be directed to a rogue website. There, the criminals ask you to enter a phone number so that they can send more information about the prize you won.

When users do this, they are subscribing to a paid SMS service. This service can cost up to 30 euros per month. Zimperium claims that the possible damage runs into the hundreds of millions of euros. Dutch and Belgians would also have become victims.

Read also: Malware on you Android device: prevent, recognize and remove

  • Malware is hidden in hundreds of apps

    According to research company Zimperium, there is a internationally operating gang behind the Android malware. The virus was packaged in more than 200 Android apps. According to Zimperium, these programs were distributed through the Google Play Store, the official app store for Android smartphones, among others.

    More than twenty of the compromised apps were downloaded more than 100,000 times. The most popular app with GriftHorse virus is Handy Translator Pro, a translation app. This app has been downloaded between 500,000 and 1 million times. Google has since been notified and has removed the infected apps.

    Android malware on the rise

    Android users are increasingly becoming victims of malware. In recent months, for example, the Toddler – and FluBot viruses. However, this type of malware spreads through text messages. At the end of August, information came out about the so-called Joker

    virus out. This malware, like GriftHorse, spreads through infected Android apps.

    Android-malware: zo voorkom je dat je smartphone wordt besmetAndroid-malware: zo voorkom je dat je smartphone wordt besmetAndroid-malware: zo voorkom je dat je smartphone wordt besmet

    Android-malware: zo voorkom je dat je smartphone wordt besmet

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