Aliando Syarief's struggle to recover from OCD and the story of how he suffered from mental disorders, Jakarta Aliando Syarief was diagnosed with extreme Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This mental disorder made Aliando Syareif often struggle with his own thoughts, and was forced to leave the world of entertainment for a while.

Owner of real name Muhammad Ali Syarief said, what he is experiencing now is because infected from other people and not from himself

“If I am OCD, it is not from me, but from other people,” said Aliando, quoted from the Popular Celebrity YouTube channel, which re-uploaded Aliando’s live Instagram, Thursday ( 27/1/2022).

To find out the truth of the circulating information, please WhatsApp to the number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.

Aliando is confused with the title of Most Fashionable Actor at the 2016 Infotainment Awards. Duh, why? Watch it only on Starlite!


Aliando Syarief explained that there was a phenomenon that caused him to experience mental disorders. This can be experienced by anyone, including young children.

“It turns out that there is a metal disturbance phenomenon that can be sent through vibrations or waves that exist on this earth. quite an exciting phenomenon guys.” said Aliando.

Since elementary school

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