Mitsui Sumitomo Marine Stage / Marketing DX utilizing location information February 16 Free holding

Datawise, which develops “Datawise Area Marketer”, a human flow analysis service that utilizes docomo GPS statistical data, will hold an online seminar “Marketing DX that utilizes location information” on February 16.

20220128data 728x304 - 三井住友海上登壇/位置情報活用したマーケティングDX2月16日無料開催

In this seminar, the “now” of marketing DX based on location information, DX promotion staff, marketing This is an introduction for business people who are interested in using location information data in Japan and want to know the latest examples of using location information data.

Two and a half years after the spread of coronavirus infection, the use of location information data for marketing is becoming widespread in various industries. Datawise released the Datawise Area Marketer in March 2021. We support the use of location information and doCoMo big data in retail, food and beverage, real estate, local governments, and various industries.

Among them, Mr. Hiroshi Kida, CMO of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd., who has adopted Datawise Area Marketer from the beginning and is promoting marketing DX utilizing location information, is “now” of utilizing location information. To explain. At the same time, Takahide Imada, CEO of Datawise, will explain the new solution of Datawise Area Marketer.

■ Outline of the event
Date and time: Wednesday, February 16th, 13: 00-14: 00
Venue: Online Seminar (Webinar)
Participation fee: Free
Capacity: 100 people


■ Click here for details 1

■ Click here to apply

■ Lecture content

Part 1: Utilization of Datawise Area Marketer in Sumitomo Mitsui Marine Fire Insurance
Lecturer: Sumitomo Mitsui Marine Fire Insurance CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
Mr. Hiroshi Kida

Mr. Kida Biography: Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Policy Management / Graduate School of Media and Governance. Joined Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance as a data scientist in 2018 after working for NTT East, SPSS / IBM Japan, Amazon Japan, department stores, mail-order companies, etc. He has been in his current position since October 2021. Director of Data Scientist Association. Belongs to the UX Intelligence Association. Experienced in sales, marketing and data analysis in various industries. Specializes in CRM and marketing analysis based on the customer’s perspective, and new business development using data. Co-authored “Become a Data Analysis Human Resource. Aiming to Become a Business Translator” (Nikkei BP, 2020)

Part 2: Datawise Area Marketer’s latest solution
Lecturer: Takahide Imada, Representative Director of Datawise

Biography of Mr. Imada: Launching a virtualization technology market at an OS vendor, consulting for the manufacturing industry at a strategic consulting firm, cloud After working on business development for vendors and advertising business for Internet media, he participated in the establishment of Datawise in 2019. Graduated from Harvard Business School (MBA).

Program contents are subject to change.

■ Contact information
Datawise public relations

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