Don't forget to ask your employer to settle taxes. However, various confirmations must be provided

Illustration photo Photo: TV Markíza

You can only ask your employer for an annual tax statement until mid-February. Even if you have worked in several companies. However, various confirmations must be provided. If you do not make it, you will file the tax return yourself Despite the fact that several employees work for pandemic measures from home, no exceptions are planned, taxpayers will not postpone the deadlines. “It is necessary for the employee to request his / her employer by 15 February this year, and at the same time he / she must submit all the documents necessary for the execution of the annual settlement,” says Martina Rybanská, spokeswoman for the Financial Administration. Usually your employer will arrange this for you, issue you a form and you will just sign it. But it is not his duty, so we need to ask in advance. If you agree with it, you can also request an annual statement electronically. It’s not even a problem if you’ve worked in several companies over the past year. You can apply at any, but you must not forget to provide proof of income as well as other forms. “He attaches, if he applies the tax bonus to children, the birth certificates of children. If the children are older than 15 years, also a certificate of school visit. Or, if she also applies for a non-taxable amount per wife, she also has a marriage certificate and a certificate of the wife’s income, for example from the Social Insurance Agency or the employment office, “adds Alica Oravcová, tax advisor. If you save voluntarily in the third pillar, you can also account for these contributions. Recently, however, the same mistakes have been repeated. “It is a common mistake that parents do not agree on which of them applies the tax bonus to the child and both of them apply in their annual accounts, or that the employee forgets that he or she earned another type of income during the year, such as winning or selling an apartment.” Alica Oravcová continues If you do not meet the deadlines, you will file the tax return yourself by the end of March at the latest. Even there, the taxpayers do not plan to postpone the deadlines. More in the report

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