Zorici Brunclik wanted to break up the marriage! They incited Kemiš's daughter against her!

How SCANDAL! exclusively finds out, once bad people and villains who can’t stand love Zorica Brunclik and Miroljub Arandjelović Kemiš , incited his daughter Jelena against the singer!

Namely, Kemiš has a daughter Jelena from his first marriage, she lives abroad, has her own family and business, and she sees her father several times a year. However, many have incited her against Zorica before.

READ: Life writes novels! The Cruel Truth of Zorica Brunclik’s Childhood

Zorici Brunclik wanted to break up the marriage! They incited Kemiš’s daughter against her!

– J many wanted to turn against Elena. Zorica – our source begins and adds – They filled her head, that Zorka is like this and such, not to allow her to separate her from her father and to be her evil stepmother! To make it clear that she will visit Kemiš and come to them whenever she wants, and not when Zorica decides. However, when they told her that, nothing was clear to Jelena… She just told them all that she had no problems with Zorica, and that the two of them got along very well, and that she could already go to her father whenever she wanted. . Fortunately, the girl is smart and normal, so she didn’t fall for those stupid provocations – our source concludes.

READ: Miljana is persecuting Goca Tržan! He has been calling her for days! She wants their children to meet!



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