The connections between Law and morality: Reflections on the Family Code Project


| In just a few hours, the popular consultation on the new Cuban family law will begin throughout the country. The publication and socialization of the Draft Code of las Familias, now in its 24th version, aims to develop broad spaces for debate around its contents, so that the regulatory body that is approved, if so determined by the majority of those who they will vote on it in a popular referendum, whether it is the result of a collective construction that reflects our family diversity, their needs and desires. The participatory exercise deployed in the process that culminated in the enactment of the The 2019 Constitution placed important issues around family institutions in public meditation. Above all, it has shown us the need to socially reflect on the importance of broadening the mantle of guarantee and protection of Law so that under it all people and all families can take shelter, in harmony with the projection of our State in order to seek greater inclusion and eradicate discrimination.

The family law that is currently under construction, finds the way paved by the current Constitution, not only for those concepts that it includes in the third chapter of Title V, but by the values ​​that from the first of its articles projects the Supreme Law to all its contents. The constitutions and the laws that derive from them, those that develop them, must resemble the society where they are to be applied and this has several implications. The meaning of this idea encompasses, on the one hand, the need for those palpable realities to be established in the regulations, so that all regulatory modification processes represent potential moments for updating old molds that are insufficient in the face of the overwhelming advance of the society. But, in addition, the new regulations also reflect desires, needs, dreams and an updated vision of what is fair, equitable and the right thing.

The permanent development of society is challenging in terms of Law, whose legal bodies tend to remain static for years under the non-disposable justification of legal certainty. The problem is that said principle cannot be a pretext to paralyze the Law in past conceptions, it must necessarily advance. Also on occasions, and this may be the case, the Law needs to move forward, look at and protect everyone and also educate on the basis of its supreme values ​​of justice, equality, freedom and respect.

What happens is that these certainly become abstract and sometimes relative concepts, insofar as what can be considered fair for some people may not be for others, and this is the case with many of the values ​​that are also manifested in the prevailing moral conceptions at a given historical moment. It is for this reason and to reopen the debates around the contents of the Family Code, at the gates of its popular consultation, that I have found in it motivation to propose a look at this scenario, as a clear example in which the ancient controversy is manifested and the indissoluble relationship between morality and law . In a previous work, it was outlined that the latter is made up of norms that provide it with structure and become the channel of expression of the dictates of conduct that order social coexistence from the State, but we also referred that the content of these norms, the direction of its provisions, receive the direct influence of culture, idiosyncrasy, ideology, moral values, the prevailing political interests in society, in short, its sources are broad and complex.

One of the phenomena that has the greatest impact on Law is precisely morality, that which is expressed in prevailing criteria about coexistence, life, what is right and what is wrong, but, above all, that is manifested in acting of people in society. I do not intend to violate spaces of philosophy, but I do mean that for jurists morality has not been and cannot be an alien phenomenon . Much has been discussed about the difference between the two orders, since morality also contains norms, patterns of behavior, just like the Law. However, moral norms are spontaneously outlined and the mechanisms that support their observance are anchored precisely in the more or less majority considerations about what is good and bad, the criteria of natural justice, behaviors that are socially accepted or not and when certain moral canons are breached, the consequences are generally expressed through rejection of other people, the verbal condemnation of certain behaviors or other social mechanisms . It should also be clarified that moral conceptions are also segmented, that is, although one speaks of a more or less general or common morality, there are moral criteria that can be identified in certain social and even age groups. Individual morality, for its part, is conditioned by education, family, social and even geographical environment. In this way, we all individually have incorporated moral criteria that guide our actions, some learned from our parents, others assumed from the neighborhood, friends, school, and even by the integration of all of them. We also receive the imprint of our time, of technology, in short, of our experiences and the way in which we process everything that surrounds us and that shapes our behavior in society. Without a doubt, the family is one of the most important scenarios where they form moral and ethical convictions, where values ​​are transmitted, but also in it various conflicts are manifested that directly impact those values ​​that are apprehended within it. Precisely because of this interaction between family and morality, a good number of convictions related to family relationships, their appropriate patterns and acceptable behaviors are also incorporated at this level. These can also be very diverse depending on family realities, traditions, culture, professional training and social integration of its members, the religion that is practiced, among many other conditions. It is therefore inevitable that before an open process of collective debate about a revolutionary law such as the Code that is proposed, which contains advanced conceptions about the family, with an inclusive, plural and challenging vision of moral canons established for generations, criteria of resistance are manifested that are anchored in a conflict between beliefs and models incorporated morals to some people and the novel proposals of a law that intends to break these schemes . It is in this scenario where the educational role that Law has to play must be understood, that is precisely one of its functions, that of promoting development, break molds that can protect discriminatory conduct and trace a better future for all people . It is valid to disagree about its contents, of course, but from the civic responsibility that touches us all, especially with the future, I suggest rethinking those criteria of frontal opposition, without nuances . Let’s see, for example, some questions that can be used for this purpose:

  • Is life, reality always as we imagine it?
  • What is “normal” in terms of families?
    Does that certain family composition or reality be alien to us, does it mean that it does not exist?

      Is only the family that we have had as the correct pattern valid?
  • That different families be accepted and protected traditional, does it affect us directly?
  • Do we really know all the content of the Code, all the rights it protects?

    Is it worth sacrificing such a guaranteeing Law due to the collision of any of its proposals with personal beliefs or prejudices?

    Another issue that should not be ignored in this context is that referring to the role of Law in relation to Cuban family realities. Not all of us have to aspire to equal families, or accept them as our own patterns; As an expression of our moral convictions, we will embrace a certain model and take it as a reference for our own family. However, the Law has the obligation to shelter, protect, shelter people and their family relationships from the diversity in which they live and develop. This Code does not impose molds on us, it offers legal protection to all possible molds, it intends to fulfill its function of not leaving anyone out, to cover all the situations and relationships that can be foreseen, to be as complete as possible in its forecasts. The m cannot be confused oral with the Law, it cannot lose its course towards a better performance of its harmonizing and guaranteeing function.

    Once, in a class, a person questioned, at the beginning of the debates on the constitutional project, the controversial issue of same-sex marriage. While presenting his arguments, clearly traditionalist and conservative roots, I only thought of the frequent confusion that leads people to fear what is different, even if it does not affect them. The subsequent exercise consisted of reasoning that it was a mestizo woman who did not fight directly for her rights to vote, to hold a leadership position, as was the case, or even to marry a white man; however, those rights that she enjoys today and that seem naturally deserved, were conquered, before, by other women and by other black people. The axiological weapons of those struggles were undoubtedly: equality, non-discrimination, justice, that is, they are the same foundations on which today the possibility of homosexual people being able to form a legally protected family is based. I mean this last idea because the Code, if approved, will not prevent us from feeling more identified with one or another family, nor is it going to eradicate material discrimination in this area, however, it is going to eliminate legal inequity, it is going to provide us with a family right where no one is excluded. It is about understanding that the Law cannot turn its back on the latent and painful realities of people who do not find protection in it to protect themselves against openly unfair situations, specific situations that go beyond the celebration of a formal act such as marriage, but they manifest when, since this cannot be arranged, its protective effects cannot be demanded for the members of the couple.

    We have taken up this specific topic because, in a macho society where age-old sexist stereotypes predominate, it has undoubtedly been one of the most controversial and questioned. It is precisely a clear example of how certain moral conceptions can become brakes on legal development. It is then that other values ​​are manifested such as respect and solidarity . This is a scenario to put yourself in the place of the other, to understand their pain, to respect their right to fulfillment and happiness . Let’s not express ourselves through selfishness and laziness, let’s not deny a better future for all people, where the family environment is a space of fulfillment that is built according to diverse needs and realities.

    Imprimir Let us not ignore everything that we do not question in this Code, such as protection against violence, which It is offered to older adults, people with disabilities, among many other topics. Let us not reduce the content of the Code to its most challenging postulates of old canons, so that this prevents us from weighing and pondering everything that in its pages draws us the reality of the Cuban family, colorful, multicolored, diverse; but also aged and in whose space the Law must intervene to eliminate injustices and inequities.

    We are before the Code of happiness and is there a more elusive, imprecise and sui generis that happiness? Happiness does not believe in dogmas, Cuban families need to break them and each one must enhance it with their own recipe. This should be the debate about empathy, respect, and the construction of a better future with a family law that promotes freedom, equality, and love.

Majela Ferrari Yaunner Majela Ferrari Yaunner

Doctor of Legal Sciences and Professor of Philosophy of Law, Theory of the State, Theory of Law and Methodology of Legal Research , undergraduate and graduate of the Department of Basic Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Havana. President of the National Commission of the Law Career and judge of the Provincial People’s Court of Havana.

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