A 5-month-old girl died in an accident with a minibus in Kolomyia

The accident occurred on the H-10 highway within the turn to the village of Pyadyky

A 5-month-old girl died in an accident in Kolomyia. A 30-year-old driver of a Toyota Rav 4 with a child was turning from a minor road in the village of Tsenyava to the main road and collided with a Peugeot Expert. After the collision, the Toyota car was thrown into a ditch, the press service of the Ivano-Frankivsk region police reported.

Rescuers received a report of an accident in Kolomyia on the H-10 highway at 18:55 on Friday, January 7. Upon arrival at the scene, it was established that two cars collided, killing a 5-month-old child. Rescuers disconnected the battery terminals, and also handed over the injured to emergency medical workers “, – in the press service of the SES.

According to information press service of the police of Ivano-Frankivsk region, the driver of Toyota Rav and two other passengers – a woman and an elderly man – were also injured in the accident. The victims are residents of Sniatyn district, they were hospitalized. The 57-year-old Peugeot Expert driver was not injured. Both drivers were tested for intoxication – they are sober. On the fact of a fatal accident, the police opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code.

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