A bare light bulb may actually be fashionable.Cafe-style lighting is handmade and reasonably priced

Easy because it’s just hung.

Even if you stick to furniture such as tables and sofas, do you feel that the room is not cool as a whole if the lighting is not good? However, vintage lighting and lighting with a sealing fan are cool. It’s expensive, isn’t it?

When I thought about something that could be fashionable by keeping the budget down, the lighting of the cafe came to my mind. There are quite a lot of cafes with simple lighting that only have a socket with a cord and a light bulb (vintage-like light bulb). Moreover, it is surprisingly fashionable. So, I immediately searched for it on Amazon and Rakuten.

Since the lighting is a lighting rail (duct rail), select a socket with a cord that can be attached to it, and The light bulb is here. The socket is made of brass and the LED bulbs are “Edison bulb” type and vintage style.

A set of a socket with a cord and a light bulb costs about 2,500 yen, so I think it was considerably more reasonable than buying a fashionable pendant light or ceiling light.

If you install it as it is, the cord is often too long, so you need to cut or tie it to shorten the cord. It seems to be quite difficult to disconnect, so I tried to tie it by referring to the following video.

It’s still a little long, so I tied the two places in a circle. It’s quite a hassle to make everything even in length, but I think it’s nice to have it evenly arranged.

I tried to arrange three similar types of light bulbs.

When set, it looks like this.

009 ) Only the leftmost is a different light bulb that I bought before, but once it turned on, I didn’t feel any discomfort.

It looks like this when the light is turned on. The color of the light bulb is also warm, so it’s calming. It’s like a cafe or a bar.

This time, I placed the same type of light bulbs side by side, but it may have been nice to have all the different types of light bulbs. I think that the atmosphere will change considerably just by changing the light bulb, so if you get tired of it, I would like to try various things.

Photo: Hidemi Mogi

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