A fierce man who remodels Tesla “Model 3” and mines a virtual currency of 90,000 yen per month appears


  • Gensuke Okamoto


Image: Siraj Raval / YouTube

    It would be great if my car made money.

    2018 model Tesla

    “” Model 3

    “is hacked and

    Mining virtual currency

    There is a fierce man who is doing it. Siraj Raval, who lives in San Francisco, said that the model 3 computer has an Apple M1 Mac Mini

    . and to the motor By connecting 5 GPUs , you can earn Ethereum and Bitcoin.

    Tesla is a car with a computer on its wheels

    To put it plainly, this magical remodeling is Same as using the car as a power source , and it seems to be very easy. However Not covered by warranty , so be prepared. Monthly fee of about 3500 to 7000 yen The electricity bill is 46,000 to 90,000 yen a month. It will be covered by mining that is possible for about 2000 yen

    . And if the investment goes well with mining, you can buy many Model 3s.

    “To earn even if Model 3 that costs 4.5 million yen or more is not covered by the warranty, 90,000 yen a month It seems that some engineers think that it is not worth it “. … Raval used a Tesla car in the future Self-driving robot taxi company I have a dream to launch , and from such hacking テスラ「モデル3」を魔改造して、月額9万円の仮想通貨をマイニングする猛者現る It seems that they are doing self-promotion .

    Tesla’s automatic driving function has not been fully realized yet, but Raval laughs loudly with the left fan. The day will come.

    Source: YouTube , CNBC Futurism

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