A founding speech, tribute to the collective intelligence of Moroccans

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, accompanied HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and HRH Prince Moulay Rachid addressed a speech to Parliament on Friday at the opening of the 1st session of the 1st legislative year of the 11th legislature. Here is the full text of the Royal Speech, broadcast inside the Parliament precinct:

“Praise be to God, Prayer and salvation to the Prophet, His family and His companions,
Honorable Members of Parliament,
We are pleased to preside over the opening of the first parliamentary session of the new legislature.
This annual meeting is an opportunity for Us to send our congratulations to you, members of Parliament and, through you, to all elected officials, for the confidence shown in you.
We pray the Most High to grant you all, as well as the new government, full success in the exercise of your functions.
In this regard, We would like to salute the good organization of the last elections: they took place in a positive climate and were marked by a large number of ticipation, especially in our Southern Provinces.
This election confirms the victory of the democratic choice made by Morocco, as well as the normality of alternations in the management of public affairs. In fact, for Us, what matters is not that one party or another wins the elections: in fact, we give equal interest to all parties.
This legislature begins at a time when Morocco is entering a new phase which requires the pooling of efforts around strategic priorities. Thus, our country will be even more able to continue its development process and meet external challenges.
In this regard, three main aspects essentially hold Our attention.
We will first underline the necessary consolidation of the place occupied by Morocco and the imperious defense of its superior interests , particularly in the present economic situation which brings in its wake challenges, risks and threats.
In fact, the pandemic crisis has revealed the resurgence of the theme of Sovereignty. Whether health, energy, industrial, food or other, its preservation has become the issue of a real competition that arouses feverish reactions in some.
While many countries have experienced major dysfunctions in the supply and distribution of basic necessities, the Morocco has succeeded in managing its needs in this area and in ensuring a normal and sufficient supply of its markets.
Also, in order to consolidate the strategic security of the country, We call for the creation of an integrated national device having the purpose of the strategic reserve of essential products, in particular food, health and energy, and the continuous updating of national needs in this area.

Ladies and gentlemen,
The second part concerns the management of the pandemic crisis and the pursuit of economic recovery.
By the grace of God, in terms of protecting the health of citizens and supporting sectors and categories affected, we have solid gains.
In fact, by ensuring that the vaccine is free, despite the cost which amounts to billions, the State fulfilled its duty, ensuring that the basic needs of citizens are met and that the period of crisis is as painless as possible for them.
However, the State cannot replace the citizens who are responsible for protecting themselves and their families . It is up to them to be vaccinated, to use the means of prevention available and to respect the measures decreed by the public authorities.
On the other hand, despite the unprecedented effects generated by the crisis and the downturn in the world economy, the national economy is experiencing a significant improvement.
Indeed, thanks to the measures adopted under Our leadership, it is expected that in 2021, Morocco, if God willing, is achieving a growth rate of over 5.5%, which is a performance unmatched for years and is among the highest on a regional and continental scale.
This year, the primary sector is also expected to record a remarkable rate of over 17%, thanks to efforts to modernize the sector and to the good results of the agricultural campaign.
In addition, certain sectors such as the automotive industry, textiles, electronics and electricity have seen an increase significant part of their exports.
Moreover, despite the crisis and its fallout, the confidence placed in our country and in the dynamism of its economy is confirmed and consolidated, as evidenced by the increase, until last August, of foreign direct investments estimated at 16%, and the increase in transfers of MRE which reached about 46% during the same period.
These favorable developments have enabled Morocco to have comfortable foreign exchange reserves representing 7 months of imports.
Despite the difficulties and fluctuations that shake the world markets, the inflation rate has been brought under control to the tune of 1%, a percentage below the high rates observed in some economies in the region.
All these indicators, praise be to God, lead to optimism and hope, building the confidence of citizens and households and stimulating the spirit of initiative among economic operators and investors.
For its part, the State will continue this national effort, in particular through public investment, support provided to companies and the adoption of incentives in their favor.
In this positive context, we must remain realistic and continue our action with responsibility and patriotism, far from any pessimism and away from a certain negativist rhetoric.
Finally, the third component relates to the operationalization of the development model and the launch of a new generation of integrated projects and reforms.
This is why We aspire that this legislature be the starting point of this ambitious voluntarist dynamic embodying the collective intelligence of Moroccans.
In this regard, it should be remembered that the development model is not a fixed plan of measures conventional meaning of the term.
Rather, it constitutes a general framework conducive to action and capable of establishing new rules, opening up broad perspectives in front of everyone.
In addition, “the National Development Pact” represents an essential lever for the implementation of this model , in that it symbolizes a national commitment subscribed to Our Majesty and to Moroccans.

Ladies and gentlemen,
The development model offers vast fields of action for both the government and the Parliament, with all its components.
Also, in view of the implementation of the development model, the new government must define the priorities and projects to be started during his term of office and mobilize the necessary resources to ensure their financing.
It is also responsible for completing the major projects already launched, foremost among which is the generalization of protection social to which We grant a very particular solicitude.
In this context, the major challenge is to operate a real upgrade of the health system, in accordance with the best standards and in total synergy between the public and private sectors.
This same logic should guide the implementation of the reform of companies and public establishments and preside over the tax reform , which should be backed up as quickly as possible by a new competitive investment charter.
At the same time, care must be taken to introduce more coherence, complementarity and harmony between public policies and monitor its implementation.
To this end, We call for a substantial overhaul of the High Commissioner for Planning with a view to making it a mechanism to assist in the strategic coordination of development policies and to support the implementation of the development model.
For this, the action of this institution must be backed by rigorous standards and modern monitoring tools and evaluation.

Honorable Members of Parliament,
The beginning of this legislature comes at a time that promises to be promising for the development of our country.
Your responsibility, both in government and in Parliament, as a majority and within the opposition, is ” work in concert with all the institutions and vital forces of the Nation for the success of this stage.
To this end, you must demonstrate a spirit of initiative and responsible commitment.
May God keep you, up to the heavy national responsibility which is yours, because the responsibility for representing citizens and managing public affairs, at local, regional and national levels, is incumbent on all of us.
“And whoever has done good works while being a believer, will not fear injustice or oppression”. True is the word of God.

Wassalamou alaykoum warahmatou Allah wabarakatouh “.

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