A new marine protected area has been created in the Atlantic Ocean

The 15 countries of the North-East Atlantic have created a new protected area in the Atlantic, which is larger than the combined area of ​​Germany and the United Kingdom, writes MTI. The area, which covers about six hundred thousand square kilometers, serves to protect seabirds to ensure their conservation and the sustainability of marine biodiversity.

At their meeting in Portugal, representatives of the 15 governments on Friday also adopted a new strategy for the protection of the environment in the north-east Atlantic, the effects of climate change, the acidification of the ocean and the environment. to reduce biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, including marine plastic pollution

Achieve a 50% reduction in marine waste by 2025 and a 75% reduction by 2030. The Member States of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR), adopted in 1992, include Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Ireland and Iceland. Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden, as well as the European Union

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