A new step in the space move! Turkey's first pocket satellite launched

Turkey‘s first pocket satellite, Grizu-263A, takes off with the SpaceX rocket. It was designed by the Grizu-263 Space Team, consisting of the students of the Faculty of Engineering at Bülent Ecevit University in Zonguldak.

The pocket satellite delivered to the authorized launcher company, the miners who lost their lives in the firedamp explosion that took place in Zonguldak on March 3, 1992. going to space from Cape Canaveral Launch Base in the USA with their names.

There is a launch cost of 25 thousand euros for Turkey’s first “pocketqube satellite” with dimensions of 5x5x5 centimeters, which is planned to serve for 4 years and 8 months in a low earth orbit of approximately 525 kilometers.

The advisor of the Grizu-263 Space Team, Prof. Dr. Bülent Ekmekçi said that this success of the students will herald their new success.

Stating that they set out to realize a dream and look forward to tomorrow with great excitement, Ekmekçi said, “Our story started 5 years ago. We have come to this day by making great efforts. Our students show us what they can achieve when they work, we are proud of them.” “I hope that we will continue to achieve new successes and make the name of our university known by putting it on. he said.

Team captain Çağla Aytaç Dursun also stated that they are very happy as a team and said, “It has been a long and difficult process, but we are very proud that we got through it with a clear conscience. We define it as the Zonguldak story that stretches from the dark mines to the silent depths of space. Our satellite is a prototype experimental satellite and we want to develop this satellite and conduct experiments and tests.”

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