A new week in the economy: Expensive and a way for consolation

Today, October 3 (15:45)

In the new week, we will definitely be talking about rising prices again. In September, inflation approached six percent per annum. It is already said that in 2021 it will reach even seven percent. Fuel will be even more expensive, as a consolation, drivers on the Krakow-Warsaw route will finally be able to bypass Słomniki.

Converting monthly price growth rate in September for the entire year, we have seven and a half percent. Some analysts argue that inflation is getting out of control . They indicate that in a labor market such as in Poland, where many industries are severely short of labor, the mechanism of mutually winding wages and prices must be activated. Such a price-wage spiral is difficult to control.

On the other hand, there are arguments of the head of the NBP that the main reason for inflation are increases in commodity and fuel prices, so raising interest rates will not do much. The Monetary Policy Council will meet in the new week, but unlike in Hungary or the Czech Republic – where the central bank decided to make a record hike – a change in interest rates is not expected.

It is worth noting that the statements of Prime Minister Babisz and other members of his cabinet show that the Czech government is not satisfied with the lifting of the feet . The central bank responds by emphasizing its independence. The Polish government can still benefit from low rates, thanks to which inflation additionally taxes citizens, the budget situation improves, and the authorities can actually reduce public debts.

In the new week, we will therefore be particularly closely watching what is happening with the prices of energy commodities, which cannot simply be printed like money. In recent days, the market prices of gas or coal in Europe have been able to increase by as much as several percent per day. The drastic increases in energy bills more and more frighten Europeans and governments are starting to intervene more and more.

In Poland refueling will be even more expensive . At the end of the week, the average price of PB 95 is expected to reach PLN 5.90, and that of diesel vehicles to 5.80. As a consolation for drivers, the S7 expressway, between the old and new capital, is extended by several kilometers . The opening of the first section between Krakow and the border of the province is scheduled for Monday. Świętokrzyskie.

Also on the first day of the week, the first large bank is to launch a comprehensive, amicable solution for its Swiss franc borrowers.

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